263 research outputs found

    Designing Tools for the Invisible Art of Game Feel

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    Hvordan kan rammer og begrensninger for friimprovisasjon pĂĽvirke forutsetningen for kreative prosesser?

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    Masteroppgave i utøvende musikk- Universitetet i Agder 201

    Escape angles in bulk chi(2) soliton interactions

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    We develop a theory for non-planar interaction between two identical type I spatial solitons propagating at opposite, but arbitrary transverse angles in quadratic nonlinear (or so-called chi(2)) bulk media. We predict quantitatively the outwards escape angle, below which the solitons turn around and collide, and above which they continue to move away from each other. For in-plane interaction the theory allows prediction of the outcome of a collision through the inwards escape angle, i.e. whether the solitons fuse or cross. We find an analytical expression determining the inwards escape angle using Gaussian approximations for the solitons. The theory is verified numerically.Comment: V1: 4 pages, 4 figures. V2: Accepted for publication in Physical Review E. 5 pages, 4 figures. Fig. 2 changed to be for fixed soliton width and to show soliton power. New simple relations in terms of power and pahse mismatch are include

    Designing Game Feel: A Survey

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    Faktoreksponering i det norske fondsmarkedet : en empirisk studie av aktive aksjefond og systematiske risikofaktorer

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    Denne utredningen analyserer aktivt forvaltede norske aksjefond i perioden 1983-2014. Formület med oppgaven er ü se om faktorer fra utvalgte flerfaktormodeller kan forklare avkastningen til fondene. Herunder om noen oppnür meravkastning etter justering for faktorene, eller om eventuell meravkastning kun skyldes eksponering mot systematiske risikofaktorer. Motivasjonen for denne tilnÌrmingen er manglende litteratur pü omrüdet for det norske markedet. Studier pü faktorene har blitt gjennomført av NÌs et al. (2008), men de fokuserte pü Oslo Børs generelt og ikke pü aksjefond spesielt. Innledningsvis analyseres fondene ved bruk av CAPM og Fama og French sin trefaktormodell, men hovedfokus ligger pü femfaktormodellen. Denne bestür av faktorene; markedet, størrelse, bok/pris, momentum og likviditet. Vi finner at fondene som oppnür meravkastning i CAPM, mister denne ved justering for de fire øvrige faktorene. Likevel ser vi at noen fü fond oppnür meravkastning i femfaktormodellen. Dette skyldes i hovedsak negativ eksponering mot størrelsesfaktoren. Generelt observerer vi at svÌrt mange fond er signifikant positivt eksponert mot størrelsesfaktoren og mange er negativt eksponert mot likviditetsfaktoren. De øvrige faktorene er mindre fremtredende. Totalt sett kan mye av avkastningen til fondene forklares av eksponering mot de fem faktorene. Videre undersøkes det om fond med ulik forvaltningskapital eller ulike forvaltningskostnader har forskjellig eksponering mot faktorene. Vi ser ogsü nÌrmere pü noen fond som fremstür som mer indeksnÌre enn de andre, for ü undersøke om vi har sükalte skapindeksfond i vürt utvalg. Resultatene viser at forvaltningskapital er tilnÌrmet uten betydning for faktoreksponeringen til fondene, men at forvaltningskostnader spiller en større rolle. Vi finner at fond med høye kostnader er mindre indeksnÌre. De investerer ogsü mer i smü selskaper, og justert for dette oppnür de ikke meravkastning. I analysen av de mest indeksnÌre fondene finner vi at enkelte fond har svÌrt høy korrelasjon med indeks, selv om de er vesentlig dyrere enn indeksfond.nhhma

    Video Game Description Language Environment for Unity Machine Learning Agents

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    Squeezer - A Mixed-Initiative Tool for Designing Juice Effects

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    Low temperature lignocellulose pretreatment: effects and interactions of pretreatment pH are critical for maximizing enzymatic monosaccharide yields from wheat straw

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    BACKGROUND: The recent development of improved enzymes and pentose-using yeast for cellulosic ethanol processes calls for new attention to the lignocellulose pretreatment step. This study assessed the influence of pretreatment pH, temperature, and time, and their interactions on the enzymatic glucose and xylose yields from mildly pretreated wheat straw in multivariate experimental designs of acid and alkaline pretreatments. RESULTS: The pretreatment pH was the most significant factor affecting both the enzymatic glucose and xylose yields after mild thermal pretreatments at maximum 140°C for 10 min. The maximal enzymatic glucose and xylose yields from the solid, pretreated wheat straw fraction were obtained after pretreatments at the most extreme pH values (pH 1 or pH 13) at the maximum pretreatment temperature of 140°C. Surface response models revealed significantly correlating interactions of the pretreatment pH and temperature on the enzymatic liberation of both glucose and xylose from pretreated, solid wheat straw. The influence of temperature was most pronounced with the acidic pretreatments, but the highest enzymatic monosaccharide yields were obtained after alkaline pretreatments. Alkaline pretreatments also solubilized most of the lignin. CONCLUSIONS: Pretreatment pH exerted significant effects and factor interactions on the enzymatic glucose and xylose releases. Quite extreme pH values were necessary with mild thermal pretreatment strategies (T ≤ 140°C, time ≤ 10 min). Alkaline pretreatments generally induced higher enzymatic glucose and xylose release and did so at lower pretreatment temperatures than required with acidic pretreatments

    Use of Peptide Arrays for Identification and Characterization of LIR Motifs

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Methods in Molecular Biology. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-8873-0_8The mammalian ATG8 proteins (LC3A-C/GABARAP, GABARAPL1, and GABARAPL2) are small ubiquitin-like proteins critically involved in macroautophagy. Their processed C-termini are posttranslationally conjugated to a phosphatidylethanolamine moiety, enabling their insertion into the lipid bilayers of both the inner and outer membranes of the forming autophagosomes. The ATG8s bind a diverse selection of proteins including cargo receptors for selective autophagy, members of the core autophagy machinery, and other proteins involved in formation, transport, and maturation (fusion to lysosomes) of autophagosomes. Protein binding to the ATG8s is in most cases mediated by short, conserved sequence motifs known as LC3-interacting regions (LIRs). Here, we present a protocol for identifying putative LIR motifs in a whole protein sequence using peptide arrays generated by SPOT synthesis on nitrocellulose membranes. The use of two-dimensional peptide arrays allows for further identification of specific residues critical for LIR binding
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